Calculating many SMARTIES T-matrices




June 27, 2024

Below is an example script to run many SMARTIES simulations and export the T-matrices in HDF5. The script is available as standalone script smarties_batch.R.


# read in the template
template <- glue_collapse(readLines('smarties/_template.m'), sep = "\n")

parameters <- expand.grid(a = seq(10, 100, by=5), c = seq(10, 100, by=5),
                          material = c("Au", "Ag", "Si"), 
                          medium = c("vacuum", "water")) |> 
  filter(a != c) |> # use Mie for this
  mutate(shape = ifelse(a > c, "oblate", "prolate"),
         n = ifelse(medium == "water", 1.33, 1.0),
         source = case_when(material == "Au" ~ "Raschke et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.235147", 
                            material == "Ag" ~ "Raschke et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.235137",
                            material == "Si" ~ "Aspnes et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.27.985",
                            .default = "Unknown material!"))

parameters$step <- 1
[1] 2052

For initial testing, we’ll run much fewer combinations

parameters <- expand.grid(a = seq(20, 50, by=10), c = seq(20, 50, by=10),
                          material = c("Au", "Ag"), 
                          medium = c("water")) |> 
  filter(a != c) |> # use Mie for this
  mutate(shape = ifelse(a > c, "oblate", "prolate"),
         n = ifelse(medium == "water", 1.33, 1.0),
         source = case_when(material == "Au" ~ "Raschke et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.235147", 
                            material == "Ag" ~ "Raschke et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.235137",
                            material == "Si" ~ "Aspnes et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.27.985",
                            .default = "Unknown material!"))
parameters$step <- 5

Even with these restricted options, there’s already 24 combinations.

a c shape material medium
30 20 oblate Au water
40 20 oblate Au water
50 20 oblate Au water
20 30 prolate Au water
40 30 oblate Au water
50 30 oblate Au water
20 40 prolate Au water
30 40 prolate Au water
50 40 oblate Au water
20 50 prolate Au water
30 50 prolate Au water
40 50 prolate Au water
30 20 oblate Ag water
40 20 oblate Ag water
50 20 oblate Ag water
20 30 prolate Ag water
40 30 oblate Ag water
50 30 oblate Ag water
20 40 prolate Ag water
30 40 prolate Ag water
50 40 oblate Ag water
20 50 prolate Ag water
30 50 prolate Ag water
40 50 prolate Ag water

We use the “glue” package to inject the parameters into the template, where the variables are indicated between braces {}. The process loops over each parameter combination and outputs a new file with corresponding filename.

write_script <- function(a, c, material, medium, shape, n, step, source){
 script <- glue(template)   
 cat(script, file = glue('smarties/run_{material}_{medium}_{a}_{c}.m'))
     file = "smarties/batch.m", append = TRUE)
 cat("%% Running all the files below\n",file = "smarties/batch.m", append = FALSE)
pwalk(rowwise(parameters), write_script)

Running the batch script in Matlab results in 24 output T-matrix files of size between 4 and 6Mb each, with the 5nm step defined above. The value of Lmax needed for \(10^{-10}\) accuracy in \(\langle\sigma_\text{ext}\rangle\) appears to be around 11.