Export to ‘.tmat.h5’ format with Matlab




June 27, 2024

This document showcases a basic Matlab script to export T-matrices in the .tmat.h5 HDF5 format. For illustration, we start by producing a dummy dataset. This minimal reproducible example file is available for download as a standalone script: export_matlab.m.

Mockup input data

Consistent with the other examples, we generate a 50x30x30 array of dummy data, which repeats 50 times (50 wavelengths) a matrix of 900 entries ranging from \(1+1i\) (first element, top left) to \(900 + 900i\) (last element, bottom right). Note the expectation of row-major ordering in HDF5. The 3x3 top-left block is

   1.0000 + 1.0000i   2.0000 + 2.0000i   3.0000 + 3.0000i ...
  31.0000 +31.0000i  32.0000 +32.0000i  33.0000 +33.0000i ...
  61.0000 +61.0000i  62.0000 +62.0000i  63.0000 +63.0000i ...
   ...               ...                ...               ...

The easyh5 library takes care of most of the details for us, when objects are stored in Matlab structures. There are a couple of caveats, illustrated below, such as polarization being handled separately, and attributes being added at a later stage.

% possibly multiple wavelengths
wavelength  = (400:50:800)';
Nl = length(wavelength);

Lmax = 3;
qmax = 2*(Lmax*(Lmax+1)+Lmax); % T-matrix size

% dummy 30x30 matrix values for each wavelength
% note the transpose due to HDF5 expecting
% row-major ordering vs matlab's default column-major
tdata = transpose(reshape((1:qmax^2) + 1i*(1:qmax^2), [qmax,qmax]));

tmatrix = zeros(Nl,qmax,qmax);
for i=1:Nl
    tmatrix(i,:,:) = tdata;


% modes, but note that polarization is turned into strings separately
for l=1:3
    for m=-l:l
        for s=1:2
            modes.l(i) = int64(l);
            modes.m(i) = int64(m);
            modes.s(i) = int64(s);
polars = ["electric","magnetic"];
polarization = polars(modes.s);
modes = rmfield(modes,'s');

% dummy 'analytical zeros' for e.g. EBCM methods
% [zerosq, zerosqp] = ndgrid(1:2:30, 1:2:30);
% zeros  = struct('q', zerosq, 'qp', zerosqp);

% materials
embedding = struct('relative_permeability', 1.0, ...
                   'relative_permittivity', 1.33^2);
particle = struct('relative_permeability', 1.0, ...
                  'relative_permittivity', repmat(-11.4+1.181i, [Nl,1]));

% geometry
geometry = struct('radiusxy', 20.0, 'radiusz', 40.0);

scatterer = struct('material', particle, ...
                  'geometry', geometry);

% details about computation

method_parameters = struct('Lmax', int64(3), ...
                           'Ntheta', int64(100));

computation = struct('method_parameters', method_parameters);
% 'analytical_zeros', zeros can be added here

script = convertCharsToStrings(fileread('export_matlab.m'));

% combined (almost all) information into one struct
s = struct('tmatrix', tmatrix, ...
    'vacuum_wavelength', wavelength, ...
    'embedding', embedding,...
    'scatterer', scatterer, ...
    'modes', modes, ...
    'computation', computation);

Saving to HDF5


saveh5 does most of the work, but we have to write polarization and script separately as strings within structs seem to trip easyh5.

f = 'am.tmat.h5';
[h5major,h5minor,h5rel] = H5.get_libversion(); % HDF5 version
matlabv = version ; % Matlab version
software = sprintf('SMARTIES=1.1, matlab=%s, HDF5=%d.%d.%d',matlabv,h5major,h5minor,h5rel);

saveh5(s, f, 'ComplexFormat', {'r','i'}, 'rootname', '', 'Compression', 'deflate'); 

% deal with string objects manually
h5create(f,'/computation/files/script', size(script), 'Datatype', 'string')
h5write(f,'/computation/files/script', script)

h5create(f,'/modes/polarization', size(polarization), 'Datatype', 'string')
h5write(f,'/modes/polarization', polarization)

% root attributes
h5writeatt(f, '/', 'name', 'Au prolate spheroid in water');
h5writeatt(f, '/', 'storage_format_version', 'v0.01'); 
h5writeatt(f, '/','description', ...
    'Computation using SMARTIES, a numerically robust EBCM implementation for spheroids');
h5writeatt(f, '/','keywords', 'gold, spheroid, ebcm, passive, reciprocal, czinfinity, mirrorxyz');

% object and group attributes
h5writeatt(f, '/vacuum_wavelength', 'unit', 'nm');

h5writeatt(f, '/embedding', 'keywords', 'non-dispersive');
h5writeatt(f, '/embedding', 'name', 'H2O, Water');

h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/material', 'name', 'Au, Gold');
h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/material', 'reference', 'Au from Raschke et al 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.235147');
h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/material', 'keywords', 'dispersive, plasmonic');

h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/geometry', 'name', 'homogeneous spheroid with symmetry axis z');
h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/geometry', 'unit', 'nm');
h5writeatt(f, '/scatterer/geometry', 'shape', 'spheroid')

h5writeatt(f, '/computation', 'description', 'Computation using SMARTIES, a numerically robust EBCM implementation for spheroids');
h5writeatt(f, '/computation', 'name', 'SMARTIES');
h5writeatt(f, '/computation', 'method', 'EBCM, Extended Boundary Condition Method');
h5writeatt(f, '/computation', 'software', software);

Summary of the file:

├─data: <list>
│ ├─computation: <list>
│ │ ├─files: <list>
│ │ │ └─script: "% possibly multiple wavelengths↵..."
│ │ └─method_parameters: <list>
│ │   ├─Lmax: 3
│ │   └─Ntheta: 100
│ ├─embedding: <list>
│ │ ├─relative_permeability: 1
│ │ └─relative_permittivity: 1.7689
│ ├─modes: <list>
│ │ ├─l<int [30]>: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, ...
│ │ ├─m<int [30]>: -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, -2, -2, -1, -1, ...
│ │ └─polarization<chr [30]>: "electric", "magnetic", "electric", "magnetic", "electric", "magnetic", "electric", "magnetic", "electric", "magnetic", ...
│ ├─scatterer: <list>
│ │ ├─geometry: <list>
│ │ │ ├─radiusxy: 20
│ │ │ └─radiusz: 40
│ │ └─material: <list>
│ │   ├─relative_permeability: 1
│ │   └─relative_permittivity<cpl [9]>: -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i, -11.4+1.181i
│ ├─tmatrix<cpl [8,100]>: 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 1+1i, 31+31i, ...
│ └─vacuum_wavelength<dbl [9]>: 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800
└─attributes: <list>
  ├─root: <list>
  │ ├─description: "Computation using SMARTIES, a nu..."
  │ ├─keywords: "gold, spheroid, ebcm, passive, r..."
  │ ├─name: "Au prolate spheroid in water"
  │ └─storage_format_version: "v0.01"
  ├─vacuum_wavelength: <list>
  │ └─unit: "nm"
  ├─computation: <list>
  │ ├─description: "Computation using SMARTIES, a nu..."
  │ ├─method: "EBCM, Extended Boundary Conditio..."
  │ ├─name: "SMARTIES"
  │ └─software: "SMARTIES=1.1, matlab="
  ├─embedding: <list>
  │ ├─keywords: "non-dispersive"
  │ └─name: "H2O, Water"
  ├─material: <list>
  │ ├─keywords: "dispersive, plasmonic"
  │ ├─name: "Au, Gold"
  │ └─reference: "Au from Raschke et al 10.1103/Ph..."
  └─geometry: <list>
    ├─name: "homogeneous spheroid with symmet..."
    ├─shape: "spheroid"
    └─unit: "nm"