Far field cross-sections
The extinction cross-section may be obtained from the optical theorem as the interference between incident and scattered fields,
\[\sigma_\text{ext} = 4\pi\kappa^{-1} k_1 \Im\left(\mathbf{P} \cdot \mathbf{E_\text{inc}}^* \right).\]
— Functionextinction(kn::Real, P::Array{Complex}, Ein::Array{Complex})
Extinction cross-section for each incident angle
: wavenumber in incident mediumP
:3N_dip x N_inc
matrix, polarisations for all incidencesEin
:3N_dip x N_inc
matrix, incident field for all incidences
The absorption cross-section is obtained by evaluating the work done by the total field, (but excluding self-reaction), on the dipoles:
\[\sigma_\text{abs} = 4\pi \kappa^{-1} k_1 \left[\Im\left(\mathbf{P} \cdot \mathbf{E}^* \right) - \frac 2 3 \kappa^{-1} k_1^3 |\mathbf{P}|^2\right].\]
— Functionabsorption(kn::Real, P::Array{Complex}, E::Array{Complex})
Absorption cross-section for each incident angle
: wavenumber in incident mediumP
:3N_dip x N_inc
matrix, polarisations for all incidencesE
:3N_dip x N_inc
matrix, total field for all incidences
The scattering cross-section can be computed in two ways:
- as the difference between extinction and absorption
- by integrating the flux of the Poynting vector over all scattering directions in the far-field.
Comparing both results might be useful as a consistency check.
\[\sigma_\text{sca} = \kappa^{-2} k_1^4 \iint_\Omega \left|\sum_i \left(\mathbb{I} - \mathbf{\hat n}\otimes\mathbf{\hat n}\right) \mathbf{P}_i \mathrm{exp}(-ik_1 \mathbf{r}_i\cdot\mathbf{\hat n})\right|^2 \text{d}\Omega.\]
— Functionscattering(positions::Vector{SVector{3}}, ScatteringVectors::Vector{SVector{3}}, weights::Vector{Real}, kn::Real, P::Array{Complex})
Scattering cross-section for each incident angle, obtained by numerical cubature over the full solid angle of scattering directions
: vector of cluster particle positionsScatteringProjectorz
-vector of far-field directionsweights
-vector of cubature weightskn
: wavenumber in incident mediumP
:3N_dip x N_inc
matrix, polarisations for all incidences